DigitoMove Company LTD started in May 2021 by Epaphradito Lugayavu, a fullstack software Engineer, as an Online Software Development Business, contracting different invidual and company size projects for a number of startups and already established businesses.
In 2023, the company has received a number of projects involving making websites and mobile apps and Management Systems for different businesses accross the country. The business growth has been attributed to the resilience of the Director, who always finds a way forward even in hard times.
Currently, Digito Move provides services that include; System Development, for both Desktop and the web, Mobile App Development, Deployment of software products, both enterprise and customized, acquisition of Enterprise software systems for Use with or without subscriptions, among others.
To provide affordable and reliable software systems and knowledge to everyone, locally and globally, improving efficiency and productivity, to individuals and Businesses.
To be the number one Digital Migration Solution provider accross the globe, in terms of Software, and Digital Literacy.
Projecting the future, precise targets...
We aim to achieve the following Objectives;